Hobby Projects

These projects were built during my free time and are open-source. You can check my github profile to view the source code - star or fork, whatever you want to do with it. My projects span from desktop, mobile to web and web extensions. Browse through...

SimpleWonder Inventory Management System

SimpleWonder Inventory Management System is a web-based inventory system made with simplicity, ease-of-use and modern looking design in mind. It's fast and light. Developed with Vue.js and Firebase, SWIMS is only intended for small businesses.

Pall - Color Picker

Pall - Color Picker is a cross-platform app that picks color from anywhere on the desktop. Just point to a color on your desktop, key in the commands and your color is in your clipboard and Pall's history. Pall is developed with Vue.js and ElectronJS. Get it on snapstore or download from github.

!CBang for DuckDuckGo - Bangs on Right Click

!CBang for DuckDuckGo is a webextension that let's you search through the powerful and privacy-centered DuckDuckGo. Choose from over 5000 !Bangs. !CBang is a simple, yet powerful way to easily search through your context menu. With a simple right click.

Simple xkcd

Simple xkcd is a, well, simple xkcd viewer. It's lighweight and fast, modern material design, zoomable viewing and the ability to launch an explainer. Developed with Flutter and Dart. It's available on Google Play Store, but the source is always available if you want to build it for iOS.

Caltax App

Caltax App is another mobile app developed with Flutter and Dart that let's users calculate their taxes alongside other deductions. With updated data for accurate calculations. Also buildable for iOS if you want one. Strictly for PH users only.

Caltax Web

Caltax Web is the web version of the one above. It's easy to use and fast.

EMGU Face Detecion Desktop App

A sample app made with WPF and C#. Simple, easy and ready for your next face detection desktop app. Fork it.


A simple desktop application that let's you browse for GIFs from GIPHY and get the shareable link. Available via a global command. Fast and easy for a gif reaction.


Somewhere, here.
Davao City, Davao del Sur 8000